
Friday, March 5, 2010

How To??

So today was my little ladies 12th b-day, & every Friday her & her friends go out to lunch after school, so I thought i would surprise them w/ fun Stylish-Sassy Party Hats when they got there. I had an example of one i found in San Anselmo and thought was super cute- but wanted to personalize it to my daughters style.
Here is a quick 1-2 on how to make one 1) make a pattern by tracing a b-day hat 2) Trace onto the a thicker cardboard-cardstock paper & cut out 3) trace onto paper with design you want,i used wrapping paper but can be fabric also.4)spray glue the paper-onto cardstock 5) Fold and bring together-and staple to hold in place-then hot glue seem 6) I then stapled the ribbon to tie under chins(can use elastic-string-ribbon) 7) Then you can embellish how you want.
I used a marthas stewart pen and wrote the girls names, and glittered them and added my favorite fur trim.You can make them for adults-little boys parties or for any event.A way to customize your party-and cute decoration for a girls room afterwards-Everyone likes something personalized for them (makes them feel special)..Be Sure to check out my website for more How To's...

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