
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maybe a Miniature Corkboard!

So thought i would maybe give Etsy a try-and in doing so someone asked me about making mini corkboards to use as place settings for a wedding. Well that got me thinking, how could you do that to where they sit up by themselves-now Im sure one of you Totally Creative Bloggers out there have already done this, But For a first attempt without seeing one for an example -not so bad.
I used those plastic photo holdrs, spray glued corkboard on to it, added fabric,hot glued to seal, then added twine around edges and a cute little bow. Then Topped it off with a stamp.
Just think, you could use, differ fabrics, textures differ sizes of frames to prop them up.. Anyway love when something kind of works out the way you thought it would.
P.S. Turns out that what the Etsy person was looking for was a Large Board for place cards- not miniature corkboards. (Oh Well!)


  1. These are so cute, you should have your own Etsy store for sure!

  2. Those are absolutely darling!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog, I'm so happy to meet you and discover your lovely blog!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  3. I love this idea, you have so much fun stuff to always show us! Have a blessed Easter.


  4. Just found your blog with cute ideas so I became a follower. Come see me sometime. My door is always open. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  5. I love these mini boards! They came out great! What is your Etsy shop name???? And thanks for your sweet comments!


  6. Gosh darn it! I just left a comment and it has mysteriously vanished. If you end up with 2 from me, it was unintentional!

    The person who wanted a large board instead of these little boards is missing out. They are CUTE :)

    Wondering who I am? Read my post: Who Are These People?!
