
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Music & Decopage Glue!

After painting many hutchs,desks,tables,chairs,and so on, i really like being creative and trying to think of different things to make or ways of designing or re-finishing an item. SO when my husband brought me this little treat home I was over joyed in an opportunity to try something new.
SO this dark cabinet was a little dreary,so i decided to 1.Paint in a heirloom white, slightly distressing it to bring out the details (that i love so much) 3. use old music book sheets to decopage the back of cabinet ( i ran out so had to use my blk-white printer to copy some of the sheets) & acutually gave it a more unique look. 4. I spray glued the back of cabinet-then put all the sheets on randomly & then used decopage glue to seal it 5. then i lightly used a polyurathane to seal all edges and shelves.. A little Different, but unique and the total cost $15 ($8.99 for cabinet,.50cents for old music book, $5.00 for paint & already had polyurathane and decopage glue).
Not so Bad for this little musical cutie!


  1. Very creative. Nice post.

  2. I think it turned out fantastic. The sheet music looks beautiful. Great post!!!

    Take care!

  3. Beautiful! Love what the white and the music sheets did for that piece. Great work. Thanks for stopping in to say hi. Look forward to reading more of your blog. Very Creative ideas, Love it.

  4. What a great idea! I have a stack of old sheet music that I have been wondering what to do with. Now I just have to find the perfect shelves to decoupage! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Very very cute! You are a paintin fool like me aren't you...LOL! I just painted my huge built-in and it was a huge project but it's almost's pretty wild! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.


  6. Very cool, great work from essentially found things! thanks for visiting my blog the other day, I am now following you!

    all the best from another Californian!


  7. I love this!!!! So creative and the music adds just the right touch! Thanks for linking up to my link party! I'll be featuring this as one of my favorites!!

  8. Hi Karryann!
    I came across your blog earlier and wanted to post a message, but got distracted by one of my daughters. LOL! I just want to say how much I have enjoyed browsing your site. You have a lot of great it! I am now a follower. Your children are just precious. I also married my high school sweetheart! =) Oh, and I love your backgroud music.

    Take care and have a wonderful week! ~Liz

    P.S. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments! *smile*
