
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogging (a secret little world of happiness)!

Has anyone out there thought of how important blogging is to so many of us? It is like a secret little world of happiness. No one talks about it, the media or newspapers or really in the magazines. But here is this world where we all come together with our common love of creating, sewing, crafting, painting, re-finishing, gardening ,which ever, and we all Share, and Encourage each other, and here we meet these amazing ladies we are so alike, it is like having hundreds of pin pals or best friends all over the country and meeting up to share, inspire, and encourage where otherwise our paths would never cross. But here in Blog land we get to meet each other and live vicariously through each others projects, adventures, trips, mistakes, blunders, re-dos, and Be Oh so positive to one another. Where else can you go to get such positive feedback, lovely comments, great ideas, and thoughtful suggestions... I JUST LOVE it, and as i sit and share with my husband about what i have seen or read or want to copy i do refer to some of you out there as my friends as if you were right here in our town, In person sometimes ladies dont want to share or arn't always as encouraging as they could be -BUT not in bloggersville. So i wanted to share my gratitude to all of those who share ideas, and leave such nice comments and give great advice ..
Just wanted to say A BIG THANK YOU to all of you Blogging ladies- you totally make me smile, make me laugh and give me one more thing to look forward to each day...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Many Projects

Thank you so Much for the nice comments on my "little" sign, Much Appreciated..
Here are some of the items i recently have worked on,first the lamp- i have had for over a year,so i painted it white, distressed it and then while putting the light in it I accidently broke the shade so i had to use one I found in garage, but it was plain-so Had to Add some Fur, then the window bench, or at least that is what i turned it into. Painting it heirloom white, distressing it, and adding a long pink toile cushion,and a few accent pillows of different sizes with burlap-chenille backs- i thought it would be cute in a little girls room. Going with my love of pink, For the 3rd time i "think" changed out the fabric on this Antique little mini rocker- How cute would that be as a decoration piece in a nursery. Remember the Gun Hutch, well I painted it, distressed it, and had my husband add some shelves to make it a display type cabinet- really i thought it would be perfect for crafts-fabrics, I love seeing those of you with pretty craft, sewing rooms and lovely storage.
And the last one a cute little Vintage arm chair i found at an Estate sale and touched it up and upholstered it in a deep burlap- Very Neutral for anyone's room, just add that accent pillow to bring in your own color and style..Just an example of how my mind works, i can't just work on one project- i go back and forth between many. Working on a dog bed, some vintage side chairs, and an odd half circle vintage type chair (that i can't decide what fabric to go with) so it just sits here next to me, oh yeah and tyring to think of something unique to give my daughters teacher for (teachers appreciation week) hmmm ??

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So First off here is a picture of the sign i made to hang outside of the corridor of the building i have my shop in. Im in the back of a hallway with a few other shops, So i had to make it eye catchy to get someones attention (are you thinking runway-get ready for landing) you can see the one next to mine-and the apperance-size..Maybe too much?
So here are some aprons i made for the shop, I love the fancy-the frilly- the style more than the practicle-so i thought of some cute fancy hostess half aprons would be fun- and different than my linen stamped ones or the toile one's/w fur-and the Tiffany Blue one , well reminded me of the 1950's and i thought the fabric was cute.
If your going to host a party, you should do it in style.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fancy Frilled Mini Party Hats!

How Cute are these little mini Party Hats, I just love them as place settings at a childs party, or even as party favors. You can make unique to each guest with their name, or favorite colors or style and give them a theme. I love the possiblities with these cuties. Fur-Sparkle-Ribbon-Glitter-Tulle- I just can't get away from the all the Fancy Frill- I sell them at my little shop as well as at my Etsy Shop (gracefully vintage).

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Vintage Sofa, with New Style!

My little fixer upper mini vintage sofa,I just thought this little petite sofa was too cute, perfect delicate size and oh so vintage, the date inside was stamped 1981 just a bit out of date.
Always so hard to decide which fabrics, but i tend to go with my favorites the toile and because i could never have white in my home with 3 kids, husband and doggy, i choose white cotten seeing as it was going to the new shop and then painted the wood in a black and barely distressed it..
i still havnt figured the whole zipper thing out -or at least to where it looks good, so i made the seat cushions with ties- Yes removable-washable and you would never see the ties( bows) they are in back hidden by all the accent pillows..
And so perfect for $399 ( i think?)..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Adventure of Creativity & Opportunity!

Ok, so i have been such a bad blogger lately- Recently i had an opportunity to have my Very own little shop, and as exciting as it sounded i waivered a bit, the fear of the unkown, uncertainity, and the sole responsability (oh my) but then my husband & children reminded me of how much i live and breath to create, make & share what i love so much and how they would help my along- I jumped in so with many hours painting, adding molding and building a register area and figuring what to have available to customers, we officially opened today...
Here are a few pic's- the register my husband built for me, with nooks and crannies for my crafting while i work, the beautiful black window doors to welcome you in, some new stuff to carry for gift giving, my favorites the animal prints ( as you see i pull from blogging world),the sign we made- trying to be different from the others, but unique with the vintage inspiration..
Would Love to hear your thoughts, suggestions for me and my new adventure..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Words To Live By or at Least Be Inspired By!

Hearing many times to make your job your passion or find something you love doing and try to make money at it, well sounds easy enough but shopping, painting or baking cookies(really?) How i could make money at that. I didnt realize what that meant or how to do it. I started off going to school to be a Nurse, then a School Teacher and all the while not totally thrilled about it,but figured i was suppose to go to College and get a degree make everyone proud my husband, kids, parents & friends all the while sitting in class wishing I was home with my kids or feeling guilty for not going on a field trip or so worried about who was going to make the cupcakes for the classroom party and knowing i would need to study myself. Well in this joureny what i realized was What i absalutely loved the most was creating, either cupcakes for the school (trying to make them the most unique the class ever got), or bringing snacks for Cheer and wanting the snacks to be packaged so cute that everyone would remember them or finding that piece of dirty, worn furniture & fixing it up with paint, stuffing, fabric and standing back to see the results, well that is what i get so excited over each and everyday. Sometimes what you Love Most is right in front of you and you dont even know it.
So with that said, I found a way to sell my creations my fixer ups, my loves that i become so attatched to at a little shop called Melange, i started small scared nobody would like my stuff, then moved to two spaces always longing for more space,& then moving across the street to Not Too Shabby where i grew bigger and learned more. Well i have found this Passion, this Love for re-finishing,creating, making and sharing ideas so much that i really needed to be on my own & opportunity came up for me to do so..
So My Words to live by are find what you truly love, what truly makes your heart skip a beat, what makes you not sleep at night because your so excited to get up to do it, AND then (Make what you love most, What you do Everyday!)...
After 7 years of part time college,thousands in fees,books I finally found what I love the most..