
Friday, May 14, 2010

Bribery with a Give Away!

So here are the Flirty Stylish Hostess Aprons
( Choose size -4 -6 or so OR a size 8-10 or so each has ties-so totally adjustable as well)
1. Black Lace Overlay 2. Sheer Cheetah Sass 3. Elegant Lace

And here is where I Need Some Help and not ashamed to Bribe for it.

Ok so here is the deal-I'm desperately looking for some ways to cover-fix-or bring in some chic-ness or style whatever you want to call it to the icky ceiling at the shoppe. You know the ceiling type, the T-Bar &(ceiling tiles)with the florescent lights intermixed (four of them). I just can't stand it, there are 2 close ups and one sort of over view- so you could see how it would effect the rest of shoppe.
 I did try to paint the metal T-Bar but you could barely tell-
Now I don't own the building -only rent the shoppe space so It can't be to major- or involved or expensive. At only 370 Square feet-and 4 small windows- i have to be careful to not darken the room up either-
Please Help!!!

_OK so here is the Bribery Part- I'm going to do a give away, One of my flirty Hostess Half Aprons, there are 3 designs- Winner can choose which one they want.
BUT- you have to become a follower, and leave me your wonderful Idea.
 if your already a follower, just mention my Bribery Request-Give Away & a link back to my blog on your blog and leave me a Great Idea.

(THE Best Idea-and Blogger who adheres to  the Bribery Request will BE the Winner)


  1. I was just compiling a blog post on my need for an apron. How funny! For your ceiling, I would cover it with a pale tulle fabric, that way the light shines through it and has a sparkling effect. I am really into pales lately, so a pale pink, blue or lavender would be pretty in this space. You could also go with just an off-white color too.

    Best of luck!

  2. Have you thought of hanging the giant tissue paper flowers (the Martha Stewart kit). They look like giant peonies. They sell them at Michaels. It would add whimsy and distract from the not so pretty ceiling.


  3. Oh...too late..I was going to say tulle or a soft, light fabric would look awesome...
    I bet you will have MANY awesome ideas to work with!
    Deb :)

  4. I work in a restaurant that has the same ceiling. It was dingy and had big water rings on it...we painted it dark brown and it covered the spots and made the ceiling really sort of disappear. Since you have such a small space, why not try to paint it a shade of blue?

  5. I'm thinking tin ceiling effect in selected areas of the store.
    I've seen the paintable anaglypta wall paper on sale at discount stores. The most beautiful patterns are not the ones they have, but the price is right. The ceiling tile grid cant hold anything too heavy, but if you could find some of this wall paper, you could "wallpaper" something very light weight like luan. Actually luan comes in 4'x8' sheets, so you could do that size. Hang this faux ceiling section from the grid over an arrangement or room vinette as if it was the ceiling in that "room." You could paint it pale blue or yellow or what ever best compliments your stuff, tho I think pale would be best. I think the boring ceiling would recede and become the plain back drop.
    You might be able to do something with the faux styrene "tin" that you can buy at the box stores. I'm a bit leery of it because it is so flamable.
    Short of using something that looks like tin, you could faux paint sheets of luan to look like an old ceiling using stencils or by eye. Then hang them over special pieces or spread them evenly around the store.
    I don't know if the luan would be too floppy (since this is all an idea in my head) but cutting the sheets in half to be 4'x4' might solve that problem.
    Also I think you can buy special clips to hang stuff of those grids.

    Good luck. Hope this helps. Or maybe its too much!

  6. Hi..I’m Barb….I am from New Friend Friday..Good Luck finding a solution..How about some soft draped chiffon or fabric?
    I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!

  7. I would suggest scrim or cheesecloth, maybe in 2 shades, shirred, draped and knottedin different lengths. Oh, I'm not sure I can explain it. I'm going to send you a photo.

  8. Hi! I am already a proud follower, and I would take either lace or a sheer fabric, and weave it through the t bar...ya know? I hope so, cuz I can picture it in my little head! Oh and my fingers are so crossed, I want one of those hot little aprons ;)

  9. I'm already a follower! Luv your blog :)
    These are all great ideas!!! Very talented ladies out in blogland :)

  10. Hi again, thank you for visiting my blog.
    To answer your question: Luan is a very very thin composite board you can buy at the hardware store. Its kind of like the cheapest paneling with out the fake board lines. I believe it costs $12/sheet. (Plywood would be too heavy to hang from this type of ceiling.)
    Good luck. I'm looking forward to pics of what ever you decide to do!

  11. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments. I'm so glad you will be having your family watch, it is so important. My husband has an aunt and uncle who live in Folsom, small world!

    As far as your ceiling I pretty much had the same ideas. I was thinking taking out some of the ceiling tiles and covering them with scrapbook paper or wrapping paper and making it sort of look like a patchwork quilt.

    I love your style and your blog. I went back and read over your past posts and I love some of your furniture you have redone! I agree also with your post on blogging friends. I refer to these woman that follow me and leave comments as my friends and my husband laughs. But he knows how happy blogging makes me!

  12. I thought of a parachute kind of thing. You could make like a billowy sheer fabric and weave lights around. If that's too difficult or not cost effective you could take like winding branches and weave lights in it or even hang an old chippy window and put treasures on it.

    Can you tell I hang lots of things?? I have always rented and needed creative ways to make spaces mine. I also have paper flowers, bird cages and chandeliers:).


  13. I am already a follower and I now have nothing to suggest as my ideas are taken! I think hanging some of your products might look nice too, like a mobile.

    Hope all these ideas help!

    Best wishes,

  14. They look like such fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Hello
    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment.
    good luck with your ceiling, I personally like the idea of making it look like a tin ceiling with wall paper or anaglypta.
    Have a great Sunday

  16. Hi there!
    Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to discuss ways to get people in our shops. Mine is really a space in an antique mall. But I'm naming it and making it my own. I'm down a hall too. In fact I'm all the way to the back of the store...around the corner... and through a door in a seprate room. I sure hope they find me.
    The day I was painting people kept walking in. So maybe?
    It's almost like a ghost town in there though. They say it goes in spurts. I guess I have to drum up my own business and get my name out.
    I could talk about your blog for an hour. When you talk about your chairs and furniture in the roooms and garage.... that's exactly me!! My husband is so sweet about it. I have 3 sofas in the garage! Chairs everywhere! And now, no room in the shop.
    Well, lets talk sometime. Good luck to you! Your shop and creations are so beautiful.

  17. Hi KarryAnn, thanks for stopping at Shabby Tea Party. I have an idea for your ceiling but it may be difficult to describe, I'll try to get a photo to you in the next few days. I'm your newest follower!

  18. Ok so here are my ideas -- best idea I am not sure if your allowed to do, but the ceiling tiles look best when they have color -- if you can either try to spray paint the ceiling tiles or replace them with colored ones that will look the best. I have seen everything from black to bright vibrant colors. Second idea I would suggest would be to hang fabric like a canopy suspended from the T-bar. I would make the fabric wide enough to stretch across two tiles wide and hang them in between the lighting fixtures -- maybe an alternating pattern or every other row to save on amount of fabric. Third idea is to hang things from the tiles -- we recently had to decorate a room like this and we hung cute items with fishing line and thumb tacks -- the tacks will leave a hole too small for anyone to notice -- and then you can be creative with what you hang -- but it has to be light -- you can make tissue pomanders balls of all different colors. This will draw the eye down from the ceiling and make the focal point the balls not the ceiling itself. Good luck!

  19. Hi I'm back. I love your blog, and I keep help thinking about your store ceiling. I am stripping wallpaper at home lately and was looking at wall paper on the internet last night and reading about lengths and widths when this occurred to me.
    You could attach wallpaper directly to your ceiling grid using magnet tape. Figure out where you want start out and what size you are going to tackle to start. Put the magnet tape on the grid magnetically then peel off the backing so the sticky side is exposed. (Not sure how much you would need or at what intervals you should put the magnet tape, you'd have to learn as you go). Then carefully press the paper up so it sticks to the sticky side of the tape. This idea would even hide the grid which would be cool. You might want to measure a certain size and lay it out on the floor for matching purposes, possibly even taping the seams from the back side before you hang it. Then put up a big piece that fits an area of the grid all at once (with assistance).
    It can easily be taken down if the landlord needs to get up in the ceiling plenum which is importatn or i'd suggest double sided tape.
    Am I nuts or what? I think I'm envious that you ahve a store, tho I know it is a lot of work and I am probably romanticizing when I say I envy.
    Good luck!

  20. Hi Karryann!
    Ok you should do Kathys idea! That would be really cool! So if she wins do I win too? Just kidding :0) Have Fun!!
    My idea~ just paint it! Simple.

  21. So glad you commented on katiedid so I could find you! i will have to make it out to the shop soon!!!!

    A thought for the ceiling.....can you remove all of the ceiling tile and spray paint the plenum space a dark color (grey or dark brown). It will make it all just recede and look like your ceiling is much higher. This approach can make it look "gallery-like" and people will concentrate on your inventory. Also..paint the t-bar black so it disappears.

    Good luck! I will be looking forward to seeing what you end up doing!!

  22. Here's a new idea, I think. Get some wrapping paper or wallpaper and cover cardboard the same size as your ceiling tiles. Just slip them over the need to even take the tiles down. Inexpensive and easy. I just became a follower...not for the giveaway (although I would like it), but because I love your blog!
