
Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Little Selfish Post!

OK so here is a little selfish post..

High School Sweethearts, Together since we were
16,17 years old- Graduating with a Baby Boy in arms,
Giving up a dream of becoming a Fireman to instead work full time to provide for us right out of high school,
Trading a Wedding to instead use the money we
saved up to buy our first home at 21
16 years together
12 years married
3 children
To be married to My Best Friend,who makes me laugh,encourages me and is pretty darn cute too.
I find I Love Him more & more each year, I do know how Lucky I am.
Happy 12th Anniversary Matt!!


  1. Oh that is soooo sweet!!! My parents are high school sweethearts and I love hearing about couples like you who are happily married years on. Congratulations on 12 happy years, may you have many many more!

  2. Just lovely! Happy Anniversary to you both. You look like you are still having fun together. My husband and I had a baby right out of college, not the easiest.. but it all works out, doesn't it? Love conquers all. xo

  3. Happy Anniversary!!

    Such a beautiful family! You guys have worked so hard. Good for you!

    My husband and I are high school sweethearts too! = )

  4. That post made me cry. Love you guys!!! Congratulations!

  5. Such a cute post!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  6. This is not a selfish post. It is an inspiring, sentimental and a touching one! Congratulations you two. You have a lovely family and I admire your grit!! You two have created a wonderful home filled with love and are sharing it with your precious babies. Happy Anniversary!!

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both! Loved this post! And I can not top what anyone else above my comment has posted. Just know you have many years ahead! I married my HS sweet heart as well, and now it has been 26 years together, and 24 married this August, three girls, all grown...we have been up and down on the roller coaster of life and have survived.Stronger, closer and more in love. Right now we are on the verge of being homeless...after already loosing our home to the bank, and though we are both scared that by October we could be in our cars with two cats to sleep at night, we do not care cause we have each other to hang onto ...and that is what counts in the end. You have that kind of love, and it is a blessing! Congrats again!

  8. How sweet and Happy Anniversary with many many more.

  9. Happy anniversary, you both look like your still in high school!!


  10. Happy Anniversary! Such a sweet story. I wish you many many more happy years together.

  11. What a great post! Thank you for sharing this important day in your life!


  12. Happy Anniversary! What a great story and testament of love and family (and responsibility even)! I was born 2 months after my mom went to work as a carpet layer and eventually found his way to being a police office...they have been married almost 40 years now. I also have friends, graduated babe in arms...3 kids and 20 years later together. I love love!
    504 Main

  13. Congrats!!! I love a story such as yours, with such a wonderful happy ending too.

  14. Congratulations, Have another great year together! Hugs, Diane

  15. You should change that title! Nothing selfish about it! giving up a wedding....most people would not think that way. Sending out happy vibes to you over the internet! :)
