
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Architecture with Doors

At the Shoppe, we have sold lots of Old Vintage Windows & Doors recently as well as many customers ask what you could possibly do with them.
There are so many uses, 
Out in your Garden,

Against a wall & add a fountain or ivy or in the Flower Bed

Turn into a Table,

Even as  Grand as this with a Chandelier in a Dining room,

Turn into a Chalkboard for Taking Notes or even decoration in Home

Hang long ways turning panels into Chalkboards
Can become a statement in the room

 Headboard for a  Sweet Bed

Set outdoors for a Perfect Photo -Op.

Sometimes do nothing, just allow the architecture to show through. 


  1. I agree!! I love the look of old doors & windows. I've seen a lot of cute dry-erase meassage boards made out of old windows lately an really love the look of them. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm really hoping that the necklaces will be successful and that the meaningful card separates them a bit from the zillion other necklaces on Etsy. We'll see!

  2. Thanks for the many inspired door pictures/Camilla

  3. Hi Karryann,

    thank you so much for your visit on my blog and your lovely comment ....... i was so excited to read it! I just had a look at your beautiful shop and what I found made me wish to live in California! I'll now go for a little walk through your blog......but don't worry..... I'll do it very quietly and will not disturb you too much ;-)))

    Have a nice week!
