
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shabby Linen Slip Covers

Well with many attempts at slip covers over the years, they are just not my forte. But yet I love them so much and get so many requests for them.
So after being inspired by my friend Sara, I decided to try again.
Here is the example in a soft darker linen.
&  I LOVE IT...

I think I will make more and start selling them at my shoppe.
Have to Thank those who Inspire us to try Something new.


  1. Hello...

    Ohh my...I would have never guessed that making slip covers were not your forte after seeing these pretty linen slip covers! They are beautiful!!!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. i have looked through your blog. you do fantastic work!!! i wish i could grow the cahones to try upholstering....i think i'll stick to paint and leave the fabric to the pros!!!


  3. love love love this. and now i want one.
