
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Love the Animal Hide!!!

                              A True Love for the Animal Hide
                   The Darling Eclectic Style of an Upholstered Piece.

Sweet as a Throw Rug with a Beautiful Elegant Sofa

Love the Color-the Softness-the Out of Norm..

Lovely as an ottoman

Mix & Match with Leather dark or light wood.

Or as we have done in shoppe, added to a linen settee

And for Show in our Front Window.


  1. Hi Karryann,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad you did, cause it brought me to you. Thanks for becoming a follower. Love your blog, and I can see that my friend Joy is just ahead of me as a follower. We had a tendency to stalk each other. (LOL)
    Rosemary :)

  2. I find the animal hides so playful!
    They used to stimulate thoughts of 'southwest Yuck!"
    But not so much now. I like them-- although I don't have it in home, I would if I could. Hides aren't cheap.

    love the pictures--
