
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Vintage 4th Of July!

A touch of Vintage to 4th of July decorating. Starting at my shoppe, making a sign ( Liberty) and one in (Freedom), bringing in a vintage red-white-blue thermos, a vintage tin as well.

Adding some Vintage 4th of July Cards I framed. I made a Party Hat with some fun Fur and bell on top, to ring in the 4th.
A Darling Hat with some red-blue ribbon help keep the sun off, while you show your spirit in a Red Floral Apron.
I made the flower wraps with some shades of red-blue paper, glitter, twine, and vintage images.
Lastly the front of our home, I changed our front door wreath adding a mixture of red flowers and a few white, adding red flowers to a standing topiary next to door, our flag that always hangs.
Putting up our Banners of red-white-blue to drape down from awning.
Then a Vintage three while bike with baskets in a faint red adding flowers and flags to bring in the spirit to the neighborhood.
Happy Vintage 4th Of July!!!
Now Head over to Anything Goes Here (Blog) to See all the Vintage Patriotic Decorations with a 4th of July Party about Vintage Decorations.

Monday, June 28, 2010

For the Love of the Find!

For the Love of the Find!
Look at these Amazing Vintage Finds. While visiting all of those wonderful blogs for the (Where Bloggers Create II) over at My Desert Cottage hosted by Karen Valentine, I saw in one of the Creative Spaces a large desk- but it wasn't a desk it was a smaller kitchen table, that was used as a desk. So every since, I have been on this mission to find a table or desk or really anything bigger that is unique that I can use as a Sewing Table/Desk and will look cute in my Living room.I have been using an old French style Desk (kind of small) everything always falls off while Im sewing.
  While out one day I came across this Charming Large Desk, it really is huge- How Beautiful is that piece, (very frenchy)with three drawers, cabriloe legs, engraved flowers, look at the detail on the top.
And then a good friend of mine Suzanne over at (S.W. Design.blogspot) pointed out the chair- How perfect is That- Like it was meant to go with it.
So I now will have a large desk to sew on, and a darling chair..
Then my buddy Wayne at The Shack brought this little gem in. Well, I know not a piece of furniture-and not exactly a norm for the vitnage finds. BUT, it rolls-has deep storage and so sturdy, used as a music instrument mover.
But with my mind always going, on trying something new- I can't wait to come up with something for it..
It is big enough for a small child??
An animal?
Rolls of Wrapping Paper?
Maybe Ill add a handle, to be used at luggage-
or Maybe a Rustic Table?

Off to Paint my new finds I didn't sleep at all, I was so excited to get up and start on these pieces !!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Little Selfish Post!

OK so here is a little selfish post..

High School Sweethearts, Together since we were
16,17 years old- Graduating with a Baby Boy in arms,
Giving up a dream of becoming a Fireman to instead work full time to provide for us right out of high school,
Trading a Wedding to instead use the money we
saved up to buy our first home at 21
16 years together
12 years married
3 children
To be married to My Best Friend,who makes me laugh,encourages me and is pretty darn cute too.
I find I Love Him more & more each year, I do know how Lucky I am.
Happy 12th Anniversary Matt!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where I Create (Where Bloggers CreateII)

With My love for Creating & Sharing, I have an equal love for anyone willing to share with me. I absolutely adore the Book/Magazine (Where Woman Create) I can't tell you how many times I go through it, and spot something new, I didn't catch the first or second time, as well as those amazing quotes, spaces and Oh those ladies, how they so Inspire me to give anything & everything a try, and make you believe you can do it, so grateful to Jo for her Wonderful gift of Hope,Inspiration & Encouragement.
Once i jumped into blogging, how so excited i was to come across Karen's (, So Charming, Creative, and when I saw she was hosting this Sharing Party of Bloggers with (Where Bloggers Create II) I just couldn't stand it, had to join in and so thankful for her willingness to share-encourage sharing, & Inspire so many of us (mostly me)...
If you haven't visited my blog before, My name is Karryann, my blog is Gracefully Vintage,
named after my passion for anything & everything vintage & my love for grace & style.

I have always loved old furniture, & after one time paying over $300 for a piece to be upholstered plus material  & cost of chair I realized I can never do that again. And so it began my hunt for old pieces I could practice on. Soon I had a garage full of projects, wingbacks, french arm chairs, ottomans, & slowly turned into side tables, dressers and so on until we could no longer park in garage.
With the encouragement of my husband I began to rent a small amount of space at a little shop, while i kept my Bookkeeping job on the side for safe keeping, then moved to more space loving it even more & finding along the way that what I truly loved most was, sharing what i was doing & how i did it, as well as creating something out of nothing. I was able to quit my Bookkeeping job to give more attention to what I really thrived off of which was seeing the transformation of a forgotten broken down piece into a beautiful shabby darling or seeing someones eyes light up when they grabbed an apron I made or found that one piece of furniture in that exact fabric they had been looking for- I just LOVE that.
After moving to  another shop where I got more space & allowed to work more with customers, all of which i just soaked up,  an opportunity came up for my own shop, and while I debated, I remembered the quotes I had read , one from Karen's own Blog about "Following your Bliss, and Doors will open where you did not think there would be doors", or "Make What you Love, What You Do",  or "Do what you love, and you will never work a day" and so with my husband & children's push (shove) I jumped into uncharted territory with my own little shoppe "Gracefully Vintage".

So here is my Creative Space (our front living room) you know the one, you never really use it, kind of there for looks only. Well I have so taken over ours. My amazing settee, that i left the way i bought it, wanting to keep the History with it. The vintage sewing machine, vintage frames and fresh flowers all of which draw me into that room. I wake up & walk down the stairs and can't wait to get started for the day. With the big windows that look out onto our front yard/court so I can peek out & watch over my kids as they play and I sew.
My husband built me the tall cabinet/shelf to hold my fabrics, and the hutch was for a computer- I painted it black, added the rods to hold all of my ribbons (that I love so much), & store my embroidery machine & extra sewing materials.

With some of the pieces i re-finish or re-upholster I just can't bare to part with them so they end up becoming a part of our home like this one, that now has fabric inside and on top of.

A friend of mine who is always so upbeat, encouraging, & inspiring gave me that sweet little dress form, and I love it. I keep it at home with me to use for measuring aprons or dry the crowns I make, it reminds me of her and her happy spirit, it makes me smile every time i walk into the room.

On that darling black armoire I have an old Vintage Frame i made into a Burlap Cork board (which i make & sell at my shoppe) and i really just love them, I also have an old antique glass top that was from a small antique table i did once, I added "gracefully vintage" to it and hung it as well. I just adore my little crowns-party hats, so they are usually all over the room, the shoppe or in the process of being made, I love the whimsy look they have and feel to each one.Loving all that glitters & sparkles these unfinished Crowns end up becoming part of my Creative Space. 

I also have pictures of my family all of whom are so encouraging & helpful and put up with my furniture everywhere-fabric left out-unplug my glue guns(when i forget) or straighten up for me while I am at the shoppe working.

Within this same room is my sewing desk (an old french desk i found) I fell in love with it & made it my sewing table, the legs the frame work all of it i just love, and of course i like those unique eclectic pieces so had to have my chair in cheetah fur.I had this thread holder attached to the side of hutch-next to sewing machine-so they wouldn't fall off, and be easy to grab.
Behind the desk is a vintage gun hutch (smaller version of the one at the shoppe), I store all of my trims for aprons-party hats-crowns in there as well as extra ribbon, bobbins.

The Yellow wingback was that first chair I paid so much money to have someone else re-upholster, so I guess you would say this is my
Biggest Inspiration piece- the one that caused me to start re-upholstering for our home and then for others, and it is where my husband or kids sit and talk with me while i sew.

On the other side of this small formal living room that is really only 12x8 is the walkway from the front door into our home- there rests my beautiful Buffet my husband bought me for our 11 anniversary.

The buffet is one of my favorite pieces- My husband encourages me everyday to do what I love, even if it means P&B and Jelly for dinner because I'm so busy with the shoppe or lets me blog until 11 pm- so when I look at that or use it, I am reminded how lucky I am.
Above it is my inspiration board, i made, it is tacked with cut outs of prints of pieces i would love to make, reminders, things given to me, a drawing my daughter drew me, & pictures.  I have all of my buttons-trims-lace-fur-pom poms -beads in glass jars on the top ,as well as the paper I use to make crowns & with some portraits of our children from a few years ago. The drawers are filled with extra staples-nails-for upholstery, plain buttons, Velcro, thread, piping, stamps i made, notes and more fabric.

At the end of that walkway-is our kitchen/dining room-and where an old antique vanity sits with a vintage dining chair, cork board & my dear laptop where I blog-email-or print. I have it right between the kitchen & dining room and next to our family room-so even when I'm working-blogging-emailing I am in the middle of what is going on in the house, with kids or husband. I can run to the dryer to get clothes out and back to work, or add to dishwasher and back to computer or get up to check on kids in pool or see what is so funny on T.V. as they all are laughing. Having it in the thick of our household allows for me to work at home and not be left out either.

OK so it may not look like a creative space-but this is a "part" of our garage & where i store all of my loves- my furniture-old frames-paint-lamps & so on. I can go out there & think of all of the things I want to make, or could make or hope to make or get started on. My heart truly pitter-patters at the thought of starting a new piece-whether it is a Cute Custom Crown, Frilly Apron or Upholstering a Chair.

My last place I create is my shoppe, I wanted my shoppe to be a place that I look forward to going, a place where i could be there all day, and be able to get work done. So I have everything I need there, my cricut machine, glue gun, tons of craft paper,trims,furs, ribbons-So many times I look up at the clock and it is time to go, the time passes so fast. It doesn't feel like work at all. I have this place where i go & get to share my love of furniture, fancy hostess aprons,painting furniture, making Crowns or Party Hats, taking personal requests or custom orders for sewing-painting-or upholstery or little girl parties and I know how lucky I am.
 My passion for creating, sharing has lead to my own little shoppe and an amazing world of blogging friends who I adore, and look forward to meeting  at each post, and I can only hope along the way at my shoppe, out in my front yard painting, or on my blog I can inspire or encourage another woman to follow what she loves, you never know where it will take you, But start with that Creative Space that makes you want to be Creative.

Don't Forget to go to My Desert Cottage's Blog and check out all the other Creative Spaces with the 2nd Annual Where Bloggers Create II Party.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Rustic Revival

A customer bought this pretty little vintage desk in a rubbed shade of olive green for her daughter, look at the detail in the bottom or under the drawer just so charming. She wanted it in a heirloom white, so thought i would share the before and after of this job.

I always think there was a time, so many years ago, where i would of been afraid to paint anything, for fear of ruining it or not turning out right. Now I can picture exactly how it will look before I even bring it home.
So I like to share the before and afters, for those who are debating on painting, so they too can see how wonderful a piece would look with a coat of love and hopefully be inspired to give it a try.

This was the little piece I bought from my neighbor at the shoppe who owns (The Shack) selling Vintage-records,tapes,CDs,books all for $1.00, well he comes across these really cool pieces of furniture sometimes.
This was one i couldn't say no to, it was asking me to save it, I just know it.
It is just so old, I didn't want to mess with it to much, so i barely sanded it, i tried to patch up the top, but the wood is so thick, and totally split, it kept re-cracking. I then decided it added to the rustic oldness of the piece, i used same paint color (white) and then re-distressed it. I also choose to leave the inside the way it was.
I normally paint everything- but every once in a while, I think it is good to leave something so old, rustic the way it is & love those imperfections.
So it may not look much different, but it is a bit cleaner, and refreshed-
Haven't decided if I'm keeping this one, or taking to shoppe.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pottery Barn Inspired Hutch

This cabinet /hutch I bought to use behind the register area, needing more drawer space, and wanting doors so i can shut them, hiding the magazines-crafting decor giving a more clean & organized appearance.
Although the blue is nice, just not my color. So i just painted it white, and not wanting to spend a lot I just kept the knobs.
But I do remember a few years back Pottery Barn had this cabinet/hutch that had cork board,inside the doors and thinking what a great idea that was.
So with one door i made it into a chalkboard and the other door a cork board.

Now not only will I have more hide able space,large drawers, a clean uniform look, but doors i can write quick notes/reminders, and a place to tack articles-pictures or requests and still shut the doors..
Not too Bad for $50 including paint, cork board,chalkboard paint.